With the May long weekend in full swing here in Alberta, the mass exodus from the city to the regional lake camp grounds it in full effect. For me, well I am on call this year so it will be time to prep the back yard for summer. So I will be dreaming of catching Pike and Walleye on the fly for at least another couple of weeks. Once I do get to the lake I will have a full report to share so have no fear, ha ha.

For my birthday this year I treated myself to an Outcast Fish Cat 4 kick boat and all the gear along with it, flippers, pump, rod holder and yes even a portable fish finder. I've always wanted to learn more about the world of still water fly fishing but it's been so hard to get off the river when the river hold a special place in my heart. Now that I am a proud new dad to an amazing little boy and have an even more amazing wife who lets me adventure out fishing, it was time to stick closer to home and finally work on my still water trout game.
My father in law George got me Philip Rowley's still water fly tying book, "Still Water Selections," and that got the ball rolling. Good read, with easy to follow fly tying instructions and I would recommend it for all fly tying abilities. So George and I both took to the vice and started producing some still water flies with the full intent of putting them to work this season. We have even booked a fly fishing trip with Phil at the end of May as a session in learning all things still water. Can't wait for the 24th of May as I'm always looking to improve my skills in all aspects of my life. I will have a blog post dedicated to that day and will post it in early June.

So before the May 24 trip, I have been busy filling my fly box and ventured twice out to a local trout lake for some practise. First time I put my new kick boat on Muir Lake it was a bit stormy so the fishing was unproductive but that wasn't the point. Just getting out on the water was fine by me. Second time however I expected more as the water and weather was prime for fishing. I roll up to the lake around 4pm, gear up and hit the water as fast as I could. As I reached the dock there was a fellow loading his boat and I asked how the fishing was and his wife replied with "Poor" as they only caught one fish all day. I was not totally thrilled to hear that but up to the challenge regardless. I made my way across the lake and started fishing with a Chronomid under an indicator. An hour and a half later, still no fish, it was time for a game changer. I put on my new RIO in touch deep 7 lake line I bought for Pike & Walleye fishing and thought maybe a deep water attractor fly like a boobie might just do the trick. About five casts later I felt a small tap as I retrieved the fly. I thought I may have gone to deep and touched the bottom but as I pulled my fly up to cast, it was hammered by a willing trout. I smiled and though now what is it, a Brown or a Rainbow Trout? The province of Alberta put 450 Brown Trout in Muir Lake in 2014 so I was hoping to get one to see what they look out of a lake compared to the river. Now that I got the remaining five boats on the lake, who were not catching fish either, attention I netted a nice small 12-14" Bow. Thinking I was just lucky I texted my wife and told her I was on my way home. But I wanted to give it at least three more casts just to be sure. Very next cast whack! Another willing Rainbow and a similar size, I really have the attention of the other anglers now and body beside me yells, "what ya have on?" I respond, "a boobie." He looks at me slightly puzzled so I kick over to him and show him. I exchange one of my flies for one of his balanced leaches he claims works well on that lake so I will have to see if he's right the next time I go out to Muir. I kick away from him and start feeding out line do my count down to get the fly in the ten feet range and start my slow retrieve. Bam! My fly is lit up like is Christmas at the Griswold's. I know this is a nice fish just from the pull and the scream of the reel. After a good fight on my 4wt rod, this Rainbow was worthy of an official measurement, 18" right on the money. I didn't want to push my luck so I headed for home with a rather smug looking smile on my face. Next time out I am going to be on the hunt for Mr. Brown and his friends!
Tequila Boobie |
18" Muir Lake Rainbow Trout |
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