Swans 10 - Trout 1

Went out in search of small creek Brown Trout and saw something I've never seen in the wild before, ten Trumpeter Swans. Thought this may be good luck sign that the fishing was going to be outstanding, boy were we wrong! Swan Lake Confirming Species - Trumpeter It Is! Two and a half hours of fishing and all we came across was one small Brown Trout and disappeared as fast as it appeared on the end of old Georgey boys line. To boot, the only fish we see comes at the pool right next to the parking lot, I guess that's one way to end the day! Regardless, sure felt great to get out and dust off the rust and step foot back into a creek after a long winter. Also didn't lose one single fly and with the amount of snags there are in this small creek this was a huge win. Let the 2019 fishing adventures commence!