New Year, New Gear & New Goals - Bring On The 2016 Season!!

Happy new year to you all! May 2016 bring you tight lines and memorable fish tales to talk about for years to come. My goal for 2016 is to scratch another Alberta trout species off the catch and released list, so bring on Mr. Bull Trout. Last years mission was Grayling and from my previous posts you've may have read came with great success. So I am setting the adventure bar high with moderate expectations of what may or may not end up on the end of my line this season. Looking forward to posting my adventures so stay tuned and enjoy! The quest for a Bull Trout on the fly begins now! With that comes the joy of tying flies! Big, articulated, multi hook, fuzzy hunks of "meat" these river monsters wouldn't dare to let drift pass. So with that fly description and when your current fly tying station is the family dinner table, your wife is not always a fan of your "epic" fly designs. Even though you may think you've done your best post session...