Operation Grayling

Elk Hair Caddis Size 12 In the spring like to set a goal for the coming fishing season. This years trip / goal was to scratch another of Alberta's game fish species I have yet to catch off the list. There are seventeen different game fish in Alberta, according to mywildalberta.com and I've caught all but five of them. The five that still have not met my net & camera are as follows, Arctic Grayling, Bull Trout, Golden Trout, Lake Sturgeon and Sauger. Although I may have caught a Sauger while night fishing on the North Saskatchewan River and mistakenly thought it was a Walleye. So it will remain on the list for now ha ha! It was a hard choice, but in the end it came down to the best chance of catching fish closest to home. So my brother Jordan and I decided on visiting Alberta's own Arctic Grayling rivers and creeks. Having never fished for Grayling, only hearing rumours of their existence. It was time to put the research cap on and start with a river we would ...